Do YOU have a STORY to tell?

Do YOU have that ONE BOOK in YOU?

Right now, as we speak, there are countless educators who are writing their STORIES and profiting from them. Their STORIES represent their brands and have blessed them with opportunities to transform schools & educators all over the world!

Why not YOU? You have a STORY…’re already a BRAND. All that’s missing is someone to help you SPELL out your STORY to the world! By SPELL, we mean the Self-Publishing Educators Learning Lab!

Ready to share your STORY to the world? Click the ENROLL NOW button above so we can start cooking in the lab!

Check out the video below to learn how that ONE BOOK transformed Kwame's life forever!

Do you have that ONE BOOK in YOU?

Here are the testimonials from some of our

most successful authors....

Adam, CT

“Kwame was very influential in my book publishing process. Although I had already written my novel, I really had no idea about the self publishing process. Kwame showed patience with all my questions and gave me the proper feedback when appropriate. Without his help and the SPELL program, I would have been lost, and his guidance was essential in my publishing process. I owe him my gratitude in publishing my first book."

Rachel, MA

"Kwame is an incredibly engaging speaker who demystifies the book publishing process. He is a warm spirit that takes the time to get to know everyone's story and has a genuine interest in seeing his clients succeed. As an aspiring first time author, Kwame had invaluable advice that will undoubtedly save me a lot of time and energy when I'm ready to publish. I can’t thank Kwame enough for his commitment to helping me recognize my power as an author!"

Zenda, CA

"During my time in the SPELL program, I greatly appreciated Kwame’s candor about the decisions he made that worked well and transparent about the steps that did not. I really appreciated his ability to provide on-the-spot, time-saving sources for editing, referencing material, and creating a more unique manuscript through word sourcing. Through the program, I was able to complete three additional steps in the publishing process sooner than I thought, and now I am much closer to achieving my dream of becoming a published author!"

With the SPELL Program, it's all about TRANSFORMATION!

Transforming teacher candidates in pipeline programs at colleges & universities!

Transforming veteran educators in the system!

Transforming schools in Africa & other parts of the world!


Hi, I’m Kwame Sarfo-Mensah

I'm the founder of Identity Talk Consulting, LLC. and the creator of the Self-Publishing Educators Learning Lab (SPELL)! In only a two-year span, I've gone from being a disgruntled classroom teacher to an award-winning educator with an expansive writing portfolio. 

I'm the author of two books, “Shaping the Teacher Identity: 8 Lessons That Will Help Define the Teacher in You” and “From Inaction to ‘In Action’: Creating a New Normal for Urban Educators”.

The Self-Publishing Educators Learning Lab (SPELL) is the blueprint on how to navigate and master the process of self-publishing a high-quality book—skipping the trial and error. You’ll discover how you can duplicate my success to shift educational paradigms and SPELL out your own narrative with the power of your pen. 

In addition to being a published author, Kwame is a regular contributor for numerous publications such as Edutopia, Education Post, The Educator’s Room, and Medium. He was honored as the 2019 National Member of the Year by Black Educators Rock, Inc. and has been featured on UpLIFT Magazine, WGBH News, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions about

The Self-Publishing Educators Learning Lab (SPELL)

1) Is SPELL a course? A coaching program? What?

A: The Self-Publishing Educators Learning Lab is a coaching program specifically designed for educators at all levels (K-12 & Higher Education) who are interested in self-publishing a book. 

YOU will use the course material to educate yourself on the self-publishing book process depending on where you are when you come into the program. This includes support for writing the manuscript, designing your book layout, editing your manuscript, and publishing your book.

Then, you'll come on the weekly calls to help YOU implement what's in the program so YOU can execute on what you learned that week. The program teaches YOU what to do and how to do it, and the coaching calls help YOU do it well.


2) What is the primary FOCUS of SPELL?

A: The primary FOCUS of SPELL is to teach educators how to leverage their writing skills to self-publish a book that will maximize and further their impact beyond school walls. Kwame's intention with this program is to make it the complete one-stop-shop for anything involved in the process of self-publishing a book!

3) How long does it take to complete the program?

A: The Self-Publishing Educators Learning Lab is self-paced. YOU are not required to complete it in any certain amount of time. YOU may work as fast as YOU like or as slow as you like, but for someone working diligently, week by week, it can be completed in as little as 30-Days.

4) It's going to take more than 30-days for me to complete this program. How much ongoing support is there after the first 60-days?

A: While the program is designed to be completed in 30-days, YOU can take as long as YOU want. The support is the same on Day One, Day Thirty, or a year from now. YOU are not restricted in any way. As long as this program exists, YOU will have the same support as the day you first joined!

5) Why should I enroll in SPELL?

A: SPELL is designed for educators who want to do the following:

a.    Share a compelling story that someone needs to hear

b.    Solidify their status as authority figures in the education field

c.    Build social capital and achieving upward professional mobility. 

d.    Create new pathways for content creation (i.e. freelance writing, consulting, podcasting, etc.)

e.    Earn passive income (i.e. money without having to work for it)

6) Is Kwame active in helping people in the Facebook group?

A: YES! The time to get advice from Kwame is on his weekly call; however, he does jump in the Facebook group quite often to answer simple questions. BUT he will not answer a question in the group that requires YOU to come on the call because he would rather give YOU a solid answer on the call than a vague answer in the group.

If it's more than a simple question, it's highly recommended YOU come on the call. The group is great for engaging with other members in between the weekly calls as well as for asking simple questions.

7) How often (and how long) are the weekly coaching calls? Are they recorded?

A: There is one call per week. Each call is roughly one hour long, or until everyone gets their questions answered. We have yet to have a situation where someone didn't have enough time to get their questions answered. All calls are recorded and uploaded within 48 business hours into the membership area.

8) Is Kwame on the coaching calls himself?

A: YES! There is currently one call per week.

9) How many students are on these calls? Will there be enough time for my call?

A: An average of 10 students attend each call, as most students do not attend every single call.

It is Kwame's personal policy to make sure everyone gets their questions answered on the call. The calls go until all questions are answered. Currently, we have never had an instance where someone did not get their question answered.

10) For how long do I have access to the program and the calls?

A: YOU have unlimited access to the program for as long as our company is in business, and we don't plan on going anywhere!

Kwame promises 5 weeks of calls, but we do not kick anyone off the calls after 5 weeks. We have people who have been in the program for over a year and have never been kicked off of a call. We simply make the official promise "5 Weeks for the 30-Days".

However, as long as the program exists, you will have access to the calls!

11) I don't have any writing or book publishing experience. Will this program work for me?

A: Absolutely! In fact, SPELL is specifically designed for educators who have no writing or book publishing experience. All you need to have is an idea for your book and we’ll take it from there!

Kwame had no prior writing or book publishing experience when he started writing his book two years ago. Now, he is the author of two published books and a regular contributor to education publications such as Edutopia, Education Post, and The Educators’ Room. YOU will learn how to do this even if there is not a single person on the planet knows who YOU are.

12) Does this program cover more than paperback books?

A: YES! This content of this program also applies to educators interested in publishing an e-book. Many self-publishing websites such as Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and IngramSpark grant you the option of publishing the paperback and e-book versions of your book simultaneously. 

13) What genre of books does this course cover?

A: Although most educators who enroll in this program are interested in publishing non-fiction books, the course content also applies to educators who are interested in publishing a children’s book or a standard fiction book.

14) Is this program UP to date?

A: YES! Kwame shares any important updates on the live coaching calls, teaching new material before putting it in the membership area. That way, the students don't have to wait to get access to the updated material. As a premium product, this program is continuously updated.

15) How much support is there in creating and publishing the book?

A: A lot, Kwame believes in teaching in layers, so he will give YOU step-by-step instructions on how to create a high-quality book ready for self-publishing.

Going through the program material on self-publishing a book will help YOU create a high-quality book. Coming on the calls and working with Kwame on your book will help YOU master the art of self-publishing.

16) Do I need to have a general understanding of how to write and/or self-publish a book?

A: The program is designed to help educators who have no knowledge of writing or self-publishing a book all the way to educators who already have a wealth of writing and/or self-publishing experience. There is nothing in this program that is not covered. As long as YOU have a basic idea of the book you want to write, YOU will be just fine.

17) Do I have to be an educator or teacher in order to enroll in the program?

A: Although the target audience is educators, the program is open to non-educators who are interested in learning about the self-publishing book process. 

18) What makes this program different from all the other courses on self-publishing a book?

A: First of all, this is not a course. It is a high-level coaching program. It comes with several modules to support YOU, but it is definitely a coaching program.

What makes it different is that Kwame has gone on to build a successful writing portfolio without any help from other big-time influencers. He did not have an advantage by doing a joint-venture, nor did she get any head-start. She learned about the art of writing and book publishing, with nothing more than a laptop and a series of YouTube video tutorials focused on writing.

So, if you're someone who wants to learn from someone who started from scratch and has gone on to publish multiple books and become a freelance writer for several education publications, without the need for influential friends, then this program is for YOU.

19) Finally, is SPELL for me?

A: The only way to be sure that this program is a fit for you and that you are a fit for this program is to book a call, attend the call, and our staff will evaluate your situation and see if we can help.

We will absolutely not sell YOU anything unless we believe YOU will get a massive return on investment. Our SUCCESS rate is extremely high for those that actually attend the calls and use the program — almost 100% — the reason for this is simply because we only work with people, we know we can help. And the only way to know that is to jump on a call with our team.

We look forward to speaking with YOU!!

This course is closed for enrollment.